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Thoughts At The End Of 2024

Thoughts at the End of 2024

Thoughts on the End of 2024 –
Find peace through personal behavior characterizsed by goodness, trust and justice!!

Another turbulent year is coming to an end. And again it is time reflecting this  year and taking  a humanistic look at the New Year.

On June 11th I received a quote from the daily newsletter, and it was immediately clear to me that this quote would shape the layout of this year’s Christmas card. Because Christmas is always about peace, among other things.

But why do people long for peace? A short AI query brought the following result:

„Peace plays a fundamental role in social and fair coexistence, as it is the prerequisite for stability, prosperity and the harmonious coexistence of people.“

When I think of the political discussion this year, I have doubts as to whether our modern society really focuses on cooperation and collective action and not „securing personal power and the cultivation of personal interests“.

In many of my coaching processes, values ​​play a major role in communication with other people as well as in self-talks.
According to Baruch Benedictus de Spinoza’s quote – „peace as a virtue and an attitude“ – could be the basis of a good behavioural pattern. Because in a feeling of „social discord“ the meta-questions could lead to new behavior in order to bring more peace into the world.

  • What do the values ​​of goodness, trust and justice have to do with the current situation?
  • How could communication become more peaceful if I include these values?
  • What would a peaceful relationship be good for? What would be different then and what would we gain?

Perhaps you can think of more thoughts that will bring you a peaceful end to the year and more lived goodness, trust and justice in 2025!

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